Warped Records: The Only Guide You Need To Fix It!

Vinyl records give you nostalgia and a tactile feeling of the music. There is a sense of relaxation with the process of putting a record on the turntable, lowering the needle, and listening to the music. But there are some problems involved with the physical form of music especially warping of records.

First time, I became aware of this problem when I played a brand new record and it was giving uneven sound output, so I checked everything on my turntable because the record was new, then I checked the record and found a little bulge on it, due to which this was happening.

“Vinyl records are made from polyvinyl chloride which is a type of synthetic plastic. When exposed to extreme conditions, they bulge, bend and change their shape and are no longer flat. This unevenly shaped vinyl disc is called a warped record.”

In this article, we will examine the causes and effects of warping and ways to fix and prevent them.

how to fix Warped Records

What happens if the warped record is played?

Vinyl record warping is a most prevalent challenge for collectors. When you try to play a severely warped record, you’ll face various issues that can affect your listening experience. 

1. Tracking Difficulties: When the needle is placed on a severely warped record, it struggles to smoothly follow the grooves. This results in uneven sound playback with varying speeds. You might notice sections of the music playing too slowly, while others play too quickly. This is known as flutter and wow.

2. Skipping: A warped record can cause skips in the playback. The needle may jump across the grooves or get stuck in one area, causing the record to skip or repeat. This not only disrupts your listening experience but also risks damaging the record and stylus.

If you encounter these issues while playing a record on a record player, check for warp in a record. 

Why vinyl records warp?

Vinyl records are susceptible to warping under certain conditions. These are the following factors that are responsible for record warping:

1. Temperature: The vinyl records are sensitive to heat, they tend to warp at temperatures above 60℃. If you store your collection in areas exposed to heat or sunlight such as garages or storerooms can cause them to deform and lose their shape. Extreme temperature changes may also cause warping.

warped record

2. Poor storage: If the records are placed flat, one over the other for a prolonged time, they tend to change their shape due to constant pressure from the above. To prevent warping, ensure to store records vertically in shelves or crates designed for vinyl record storage. This helps distribute the weight evenly and maintains the shape of your vinyl collection.

3. Manufacturing Defect: Vinyl records are produced in manufacturing plants by pressing them between two metal plates with attached stampers. If one of the plates is not set correctly, it can press irregularly shaped discs. Unfortunately, this is beyond the control of the buyer. Purchasing records from reputable sources and manufacturers can help minimize the risk of manufacturing defects.

4. Quality of materials: The only raw material used in the making of vinyl records is PVC. If low-quality PVC is used, there’s a higher likelihood of records warping and getting damaged over time. it’s advisable to purchase records pressed by reputable manufacturers known for using high-quality materials.

5. Second-Hand Records: Many vinyl enthusiasts enjoy hunting for vintage records in auctions or thrift stores. However, second-hand records, especially older ones, may already be in poor condition due to improper storage and aging. Before purchasing such records, it’s essential to thoroughly check them for warping and other damage. 

How to repair a Warped Vinyl Record?

1. Applying pressure

In this method, we place the warped record between two heavy objects preferably heavy books and it will take some time to return to its regular shape. This is the no-cost method and requires lots of patience and can take days or weeks. Also, this method is not sure shot that your record is unwarped, it’s a matter of luck and but there is no harm in giving this method a try.

how to fix warped records

Also, make sure to clean the record as well as the surface of the heavy objects so that dust would not get deposited deep inside the grooves.

2. Using Machines

The machine used to remove warps is pretty expensive and it is not a good idea to buy this machine unless you have a very big record collection and a lot of money to spend. This machine applies pressure and heat in a controlled manner to unwarp your record. Also, some machines cost thousands of dollars

Also, there is a less expensive machine by the VinylFlat which applies heat and pressure, you can try this option before going expensive options.

3. Applying Heat & Pressure

If you check forums there are various ways suggested to unwarp your record with the application of heat. Be it heating in an oven, with a hairdryer, or in sunlight. All these methods of heating a record are very risky and pose a threat of potential damage to your album.

With oven and pressure

You can try this method on your least expensive record and at your own risk.

Risk involved:

  1. It is the high-risk method.
  2. The record can melt at high temperatures.
  3. Even glass can break with sudden temperature changes.

In this method, the record is heated to soften and placed under pressure so that it regains its shape. The method involves the following steps:

  1. Take two plain glass sheets big enough to match the size of the record and clean it.
  2. Put a thoroughly cleaned record in a paper sleeve.
  3. Place the record between two glass sheets.
  4. Preheat the oven to a minimum temperature (60-70℃).
  5. Place this sandwich of glass and vinyl record in an oven using oven mittens. The goal is to soften the record and not melt it so check every 3-5 minutes.
  6. Take out this sandwich and leave it for a few hours to cool it down to room temperature. 
  7. Carefully remove the record from the glass plates and check if it has been reshaped to its original form.

You can skip the step of heating in an oven and instead leave the sandwich of vinyl and glass plates in the sunlight on a bright sunny day. 

The methods do not any ensure guarantee that your record will remain safe. The situation will be worse if proper care is not taken.

4. Consult repairs shops

Fixing Warped Records shop

There are local vinyl record repair shops that offer professional services to correct the warped records. You can check by searching on Google about these local shops. If you have a precious record, definitely try to get professional help to preserve its value.

It’s essential to understand the risks associated with these methods so it is necessary to proceed with caution. If your record is valuable or holds sentimental value, seeking professional assistance may be a safer option.

The old wisdom, “Prepare rather than repair and be prepared to repent” holds particular relevance in the realm of record preservation. To maintain the longevity of your record collection, always take care of your records from the beginning, cleaning them regularly, storing them in a cool and dry place and placing them vertically on shelves. This approach not only safeguards the audio quality but also maintains the value of the collection over time.


1. Is it okay to play a warped record?

Yes, it depends.
You can play minimally warped record, which will only cause little wobble on the record player and might result in subtle audio fluctuations, particularly in pitch but will not damage the stylus.
But playing severely warped records may lead to skipping or groove-jumping which results in a noticeable audio distortions and potentially damage the needle.

2. Can I flatten a warped record?

Yes, you can flatten warped record by heating at optimal temperature to soften it and placing it under appropriate pressure and cooling it to regain its shape, or you can consult vinyl repair experts for precious records.

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